
Crafting the Perfect Email to Expand Brands and Supercharge Marketing Practices

What type of email garners the most attention? How can enterprises hook more customers and be in the know? Matt Laudato, senior manager for Big Data Analytics at Constant Contact, addressed these questions and more during Data Summit 2016, explaining how to use big data analytics to optimize email marketing campaigns.

Crafting an effective email is about combining art and science with design and decisions, Laudato said, because getting an email opened has to get its recipient to take an action.

“It’s about using data analytics to influence those design decisions that you make when constructing digital media in order to build a better email,” Laudato said.

After Constant Contact conducted small survey about constructing an email, the answers pointed to a 42 character subject line “sweet spot” that gets someone to notice and then interact with an email.

 “We’ve done a bunch of studies on this but you are not guaranteed to get the highest open rate ever known to man. These are averages,” Laudato said.

Creative subject lines and key words that get to the point are also effective in getting people to notice a company’s email, Laudato noted.

 “Sale ends tomorrow! These are quite good words,” Laudato said.

When constructing an email marketing plan it should include when to send the email, include a certain amount of text and links, and focus on their target customer.

“It’s not how much mail was sent, it’s when do you actually get the highest open rate out of all the possible days and times that you send it,” Laudato said. “What we found was there were clear upticks in open rate at these early morning hours and early in the week.”

Data Summit is an annual 2-day conference, preceded by a day of workshops, that offers a comprehensive educational experience designed to guide you through all of the key issues in data management and analysis today. The event brings together IT managers, data architects, application developers, data analysts, project managers, and business managers for an intense immersion into the key technologies and strategies for becoming a data-informed business.

Many presentations from Data Summit 2016 have been made available for review at
