
Explore AI on-the-edge at Data Summit 2019 in Boston

AI on-the-edge is an emerging development, unlocking a whole new world of possibilities, including predicting customer needs before they even know them.

But edge AI seems like it’s only a game for the most cutting-edge companies like Apple, Amazon, or Tesla, to name a few. Traditional enterprises aren’t really embracing it out of fear it may cost too much or due to uncertainty about the potential ROI.

Wolf Ruzicka, chairman, EastBanc Technologies, along with Polina Reshetova, data scientist, EastBanc Technologies, will discuss how to apply a Minimal Viable Prediction (MVP) approach to your next edge AI project during the Data Summit 2019 presentation, “AI On the Edge.”

The sixth annual Data Summit conference will be held in Boston, May 21-22, 2019, with pre-conference workshops on May 20. Registration is now open.

To tap into this opportunity, organizations don’t need to choose a risky “all in” approach; a small iterative approach reduces the risk while ensuring edge AI projects aligns with overall business strategy.

“Computing power has moved more and more away from the center,” Ruzicka said. “But what we’ve also started to observe, and many people have experienced, AI on the edge, meaning algorithms can utilize the compute power of remote devices in order to start processing some of the data and make decisions.”

He wants to hammer the message home that users don’t have to spend a ton of money on this as well.

“You don’t have to spend too much money or time building a software product,” Ruzicka said. “Think o f a very simple use case that will affect as many users as possible and then iterate from there.”

Data Summit 2019 is the perfect time and place to present this topic because the compute power is now available, Ruzicka explained.

This will be his first time at the conference and he’s looking forward to getting feedback from attendees during his presentation, he said.

“I think it’s time to open this conversation to a bigger audience and get this feedback,” Ruzicka said.

He predicts attendees will focus on cloud infrastructure, what kind of processes that are needed to do big data analysis, and more.

“It’s really a learning experience,” Ruzicka said. “Hopefully I’ll be providing a learning opportunity with this session.”

Ruzicka and Reshetova will present this Data Summit session, on Tuesday, May 21, at 3:15 pm.

For more information about Data Summit 2019, and to register, go here.

To review the Data Summit program, go to
