October 2017
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Trends and Applications
Apache Cassandra is a popular open source, distributed, key-value store columnar NoSQL database used by companies such as Netflix, eBay, and Expedia for strategic parts of their business. When combined with Apache Ignite, Apache Cassandra becomes even more powerful, allowing it to be used for today's most demanding web and cloud applications.
The way MarkLogic CEO Gary Bloom sees it, interest in artificial intelligence is soaring: Everyone wants to talk about it and everyone wants to apply intelligence for better insights and better decisions. But there is just one problem.
How rapidly digital transformations have occurred since 2007. A decade ago organizations had not yet turned en masse to leverage social platforms such as Facebook. Consumer technology and its potential went largely ignored and companies were mainly focused on data mining, search technology, and virtual collaboration. Surely it is time for a new generation of intelligent data modeling to step up and enable advertisers and marketers to target consumers more accurately.
Threats against personal, organizational and government data have spawned increasing security measures and legislation, a prime example being the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR's official site calls it "the most important change in data privacy regulation in 20 years."