Entity Event Knowledge Graphs for Data Centric Organizations

To support ubiquitous AI, a Knowledge Graph system will have to fuse and integrate data, not just in representation, but in context (ontologies, metadata, domain knowledge, terminology systems), and time (temporal relationships between components of data). Building from ‘Entities’ (e.g. Customers, Patients, Bill of Materials) requires a new data model approach that unifies typical enterprise data with knowledge bases such as industry terms and other domain knowledge.

The Entity-Event Data Model we present puts core entities of interest at the center and then collects several layers of knowledge related to the entity as ‘Events’. Using this novel data model approach, organizations gain a holistic view of customers, patients, students, or important entities and the ability to discover deep connections, uncover new patterns and attain explainable results.

During this presentation we explain and demonstrate how Entity-Event Knowledge Graphs are the future of AI in the Enterprise.

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